根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。貴客在購買酒類產品時,必須确定已年滿法定年齡。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Henri Giraud PR19-90 750ml

Henri Giraud PR19-90 750ml


Winery: Henri Giraud

Grapes: 80% Pinot Noir 20% Chardonnay

Region: France

Volume: 750ml

Description: PR19-90 is a blend of two of Henri Giraud’s perpetual reserves – one nourished by the ‘Aÿ Grand cru Fût de Chêne’ from each vintage since 1990, and the other by the ‘Esprit Nature’. With this, cellarmaster Sébastien Le Golvet is playing with time and history introducing an amazing energy to a great white wine and opening up a whole new dimension of Champagne: one in which space and time are suspended, and in which complexity of great wine prevail.

A perpetual reserve is the history and the DNA of a Champagne House. It blends wines in one vessel over multiples harvests: each year, after the first fermentation, the cellar master adds young wines to the perpetual reserve and draws off what he needs to bottle the non- vintage cuvees for the year. The blend takes on greater depth and nuance with time bringing layers of complexity to Champagne.

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